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      International travel insurance for Australians

      Woman looking at the beautiful village of Oia on the island of Santorini | International travel insurance

      Protect your overseas trip with international travel insurance

      Planning an overseas trip? Don’t forget to pack an important item that can help if things go pear shaped while you’re travelling abroad – an overseas travel insurance policy.

      At Cover-More, we provide Australian residents with travel insurance for international trips to help protect against an array of unforeseen complications – from unexpected injury or illness to travel delays, lost luggage, and more.

      Whether you are a frequent traveller, seeking the most comprehensive cover or on a budget, you can compare our plans to find the best international travel insurance for you. After all, taking out a policy could save you and your family on overseas medical bills, emergency evacuation costs and/or other unforeseen expenses.

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      What is international travel?

      International travel is any travel that takes you out of Australia. This could be for work, a personal holiday, or to visit relatives who live overseas.

      It might be an island escape to Fiji, a snowboarding trip to Japan, a backpacking trip through Europe, or a cruise in the South Pacific. Whether you’re taking a short trip or are travelling for an extended period, protecting your trip with international travel insurance for Australians is important.


      Why do I need international travel insurance?

      It’s important to consider protecting your trip abroad with the right level of travel insurance for you.

      From minor mishaps to major emergencies, international travel insurance may help offer financial protection when things go wrong – and could even help get you back home if need be.

      Worldwide travel insurance can provide cover for incidents such as:

      • Overseas emergency medical and dental costs – which can be extremely expensive in many countries
      • If your luggage is lost, stolen, or delayed
      • Missed flight connections or travel delays

      …and more.

      With international travel insurance you can worry less and travel more, knowing you’ve got protection if something goes wrong.


      What overseas travel insurance plans does Cover-More offer?

      At Cover-More, we offer three different international travel insurance plans. You can choose the plan that suits the level of cover you require – and your budget.

      1. International Comprehensive+: our most comprehensive overseas travel insurance for Australian travellers with our highest benefit levels, plus extra business-related benefits included for business travel.
      2. International Comprehensive: our mid-tier comprehensive plan with excellent benefits and coverage levels for travellers who want comprehensive cover for their trips abroad.
      3. International Basic: our base-level insurance plan with essential benefits – including $Unlimited~ overseas medical expenses – for Australian travellers on a budget.

      If you’re a frequent traveller, our International Comprehensive+ and International Comprehensive Plans can be purchased as an Annual Multi-Trip policy. This provides cover for unlimited trips (up to the maximum duration per trip you choose) to your selected destinations over a 12-month period.


      What does Cover-More international travel insurance cover?

      If you travel overseas as a Cover-More travel insurance policyholder, we may be able to help if something goes wrong.

      Check out some of the benefits below. Each plan has different benefits so consider carefully what your needs may be.

      Each of our three international travel insurance plans for Australian travellers have some benefits that differ and the benefit coverage amounts can vary. You can compare our plans below to find the best overseas travel insurance plan for you:

      International Basic    
      (Single Trip)
      International Comprehensive    
      (Single Trip or Annual Multi-Trip)
      International Comprehensive+    
      (Single Trip or Annual Multi-Trip)
      Limited cover applies. Compare our international COVID-19 cover here.
      Overseas Medical and Dental Expenses
      Overseas medical expenses
      Overseas emergency dental expenses
      Additional Expenses*
      Return of mortal remains
      Pet cat or dog boarding*
      Travel Services Provider Insolvency
      Amendment or Cancellation Costs*
      $Cover chosen^$Cover chosen^$Cover chosen^
      Cancellation Plus*
      XOptional cover may be availableOptional cover may be available
      Luggage and Travel Documents*
      Phone or smart watch - limit per item•
      Camera or video camera - limit per item•
      Laptop computer - limit per item•
      Tablet computer - limit per item•
      Drone (with or without camera) - limit per item•
      Artificial limb, removable dental appliance, dentures or medical device e.g., hearing aids, CPAP machine - limit per item•
      Jewellery or watch or any other item - limit per item•
      Delayed Luggage Allowance*
      Driving Holidays
      Rental vehicle insurance excess
      Rental vehicle comprehensive cover
      Travel Delay*
      Resumption of Journey
      Missed Connections
      Special Events
      Hospital Incidentals*
      Loss of Income*
      Accidental Death
      Personal Liability
      Business Pack
      Business equipment
      Business equipment hire
      Alternative staff
      Business money
      Kidnap and ransom
      Cruise Cover
      Cruise cancellation
      $Cover Chosen^
      On-board medical and dental cover
      Ship to shore medical cover
      Sea sickness cover
      Cabin confinement
      $100 per day - up to a maximum of $1,500
      Missed port (embarkation)
      Missed shore excursions
      Adventure Activities Packs
      Included activities
      See our adventure page or the PDS for full details
      Adventure Activities
      Option to vary cover
      Adventure+ Activities
      Option to vary cover
      Motorcycle/Moped Riding Cover
      Motorcycle/Moped Riding Cover
      Option to vary cover
      Motorcycle/Moped+ Riding Cover
      Option to vary cover
      Snow Sports Cover
      Snow Sports Cover
      Option to vary cover
      Snow Sports+ Cover
      Option to vary cover

      * Sub-limits apply. Please refer to the PDS for full policy conditions.    
      ** Cooling-off period is available if you cancel your policy within 21 days provided you have not made a claim or departed on your journey.    
      ~ Cover will not exceed 12 months from onset of the illness, condition, or injury.    
      ^ Cover chosen applies per policy.    
      † Liability collectively for Loss of Income, Disability and Accidental Death is $45,000 on the Comprehensive+ Plan and $30,000 on the Comprehensive Plan.    
      • Item limit applies for any one item, set or pair of items including attached and unattached accessories. You may increase these items limits if you wish. See PDS for full details.

      For full details on the terms and conditions, sub-limits, and exclusions you should consider before you purchase, read the PDS. You can also get a free quote online now.


      How do I know which Cover-More international plan is right for me?

      You can compare our worldwide travel insurance plans above to find the one that best fits your travel requirements and budget. We recommend you also read the Product Disclosure Statement before purchasing to understand what you are – and aren’t – covered for under our plan.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise you need to tell us and Cruise Cover will be added to your policy. An additional premium applies.

      As a Cover-More customer, you can also vary your cover to fit your individual requirements for an additional premium by:

      • adding a suitable level of amendment and cancellation cover; 
      • adding our Snow Sports or Snow Sports+ Cover to your policy if your winter holiday includes snow skiing, snowboarding, and/or snowmobiling;
      • including our Adventure Activities or Adventure+ Activities Cover if you’re planning on engaging in activities not automatically included in our plans;
      • adding Motorcycle/Moped Riding Cover or Motorcycle/Moped Riding+ Cover if you’re planning on driving or riding motorcycle or moped while aboard.

      Got questions? Call our team on 1300 72 88 22 during business hours.

      Ready to purchase? All Cover-More policyholders are covered by a 21-day cooling-off period**, which means we can refund you for the cost of your policy should you change your mind within this period.


      ​Why should I consider Cover-More travel insurance?

      At Cover-More, we encourage all international travellers to consider taking out worldwide travel insurance as part of their holiday preparation – because you never know what might happen while you’re away.

      Our customer Katie-Anne was involved in a car accident while on a trip in the United States of America. Our Cover-More team was there to help in her time of need – liaising with medical staff, paying for hospital bills, and making sure that Katie-Anne and her partner Jacob had the emotional support they needed. We also paid Katie-Anne's overseas medical expenses claim, which ended up totalling over $900,000.

      Watch as she shares her heartfelt story:

      Want us to safeguard your overseas holiday?

      Discover our best international travel insurance plan for you.


      ** Cooling-off period is available if you cancel your policy within 21 days provided you have not made a claim or departed on your journey.