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      If you’ve already left home and are on your trip, this cover is subject to a 3-day ‘no cover’ period.

      Home / Travel Insurance / Existing Medical Conditions

      Travel Insurance with Cover for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

      Senior man who purchased travel health insurance because he has existing medical conditions, with luggage sitting on staircase checking city map

      Find the right coverage for your existing medical conditions

      Travelling provides us with incredible new experiences, inspires us, and helps us create lifelong memories – but it can also be a little stressful, especially if you’ve got an existing medical condition that may impact your trip.

      Finding the right travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions can help offer extra peace of mind and keep you exploring – because everyone deserves to be able to travel.

      Good news: thanks to our innovative approach to travel insurance, many of our customer’s existing medical conditions (EMCs) may be automatically included or assessed and if approved, included in the policy upon payment of an extra premium.

      Ready to buy? Get a free online quote or call our helpful team on 1300 72 88 22 to find out how affordable covering pre-existing medical conditions can be.

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      When we refer to the term “existing medical condition” at Cover-More, we mean a disease, illness, medical or dental condition or physical defect that, at the relevant time*, meets any of the following criteria:

      • It has required an emergency department visit, hospitalisation or day surgery procedure within the last 12 months.
      • It requires prescription medication from a qualified medical practitioner; regular review or check-ups; ongoing medication for treatment or risk factor control; or consultation with a specialist.
      • It has been medically documented involving the brain, circulatory system, heart, kidneys, liver, respiratory system, or cancer; or required surgery involving the abdomen, back, brain, joints or spine that required at least an overnight stay in hospital.
      • It is chronic or ongoing (whether chronic or otherwise) and medically documented; under investigation; pending diagnosis; or pending test results.

      *On a Single Trip policy, relevant time means the time of issue of the policy. On an Annual Multi-Trip policy, relevant time means the first time at which any part of the relevant trip is paid for or the time at which the policy is issued, whichever occurs last.

      A recent study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed 47 per cent of Australians have one or more chronic conditions so, before travelling, you should consider speaking to your GP to discuss with whether or not travelling with an existing medical condition is the right thing for you.

      Having travel insurance cover for pre-existing medical conditions is also very important to consider when travelling.

      Yes, there are travel insurance products that can cover existing medical conditions, but it’s important to disclose any EMCs before purchasing travel insurance to ensure you can have cover in the event something goes wrong with your existing condition(s) before you travel (in the case of having to cancel a trip) or while you’re away.

      If you don’t declare your pre-existing medical conditions to your travel insurance provider, you risk being left out-of-pocket should the unexpected occur.

      At Cover-More, claims which in any way relate to, or are exacerbated by, an existing medical condition or related new infections are specifically excluded from our travel insurance policies unless your EMC is approved by us prior to travel and where required, any additional premium is paid.

      If you choose to declare some conditions and not others, or choose not to declare any conditions, you run the risk of a claim being denied by us. This means if you need to cancel your trip there would not be any cover for any prepaid travel costs that you can’t get a refund on, or you would have to pay the cost of your medical treatment and/or other associated costs if illness or a mishap occurred while travelling.

      Yes, we can provide cover for many existing medical conditions to help keep you travelling.

      If you have an existing medical condition (EMC) and, for example, take medication to keep that condition in check, it doesn’t mean you can’t purchase our travel insurance with medical conditions cover.

      It does, however, mean you should tell us about all your EMCs, including anything for which medication is prescribed so we can complete an online health assessment. If your EMC is approved following the health assessment, we can offer you cover.

      We automatically include the existing medical conditions listed in the table below provided that at the time you take out your policy:

      • all your existing medical conditions are on this list;
      • you have not been hospitalised or required treatment by a medical practitioner in the last 12 months for any of the listed conditions;
      • you are not under investigation for any of the listed conditions;
      • you are not awaiting investigation, surgery, treatment, or procedures for any of the listed conditions; and
      • your condition meets the criteria outlined in the PDS.

      This means the conditions we automatically include (shown below) only apply if you do not have other existing medical conditions beyond those on this list.

      If your existing medical condition falls outside the criteria under the conditions we automatically cover in the PDS, we may still be able to cover you for an additional premium, subject to the outcome of a short medical assessment. You can get a quote online to complete the online medical assessment.

      Conditions we automatically cover* in our Cover-More travel insurance plans:

      AcneNo additional criteria
      ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)No additional criteria.
      AllergyIn the last 6 months, you haven't required treatment by a medical practitioner for this condition. 
      You have no known respiratory conditions (e.g. Asthma).
      AnxietyYou have not been diagnosed with Depression in the last 3 years. 
      In the last 12 months, your prescribed medication hasn’t changed. 
      You are not currently waiting to see a mental health clinician (e.g. psychologist or psychiatrist). 
      You have not previously been required to cancel or curtail your travel plans due to your anxiety.
      AsthmaYou are less than 60 years of age when You purchase the policy. 
      In the last 12 months, you haven’t had an Asthma exacerbation requiring treatment by a medical practitioner. 
      You have been a non-smoker for at least the last 18 months. 
      You don’t need prescribed oxygen outside of a hospital. 
      You don’t have a chronic lung condition or disease (whether chronic or otherwise) including Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Emphysema or Pulmonary Fibrosis.
      Bell's PalsyNo additional criteria.
      BunionsNo additional criteria.
      Carpal Tunnel SyndromeNo additional criteria.
      In the last 90 days, you haven’t had an operation for this condition. 
      You have no ongoing complications of this condition.
      Coeliac DiseaseNo additional criteria.
      Congenital BlindnessNo additional criteria.
      Congenital DeafnessNo additional criteria.
      DepressionYou have not been hospitalised for this condition in the last 2 years. 
      In the last 12 months, your prescribed medication hasn’t changed. 
      You are not currently waiting to see a mental health clinician (e.g. psychologist or psychiatrist). 
      You have not previously been required to cancel or curtail your travel plans due to your Depression.
      Ear GrommetsYou don't have an ear infection.
      EpilepsyYou don’t have an underlying medical condition (e.g. previous head trauma, Brain Tumour or Stroke).
      Gastric RefluxYour Gastric Reflux doesn’t relate to an underlying diagnosis (e.g. Hernia/Gastric Ulcer).
      GoitreNo additional criteria.
      Graves' DiseaseNo additional criteria.
      GoutNo additional criteria.
      Hiatus HerniaNo additional criteria.
      Hip Replacement 
      Knee Replacement 
      Shoulder Replacement 
      Hip Resurfacing
      The procedure was performed more than 12 months ago and less than 10 years ago. 
      You haven’t had any post-operative complications related to that surgery. Post-operative complications include joint dislocation and infection.
      Hypercholesterolaemia (High Cholesterol)You don't have a known heart or cardiovascular condition.
      Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)You don’t have a known heart or cardiovascular condition. 
      You don’t have Diabetes (Type I or Type II). 
      Your Hypertension is stable and managed by your medical practitioner. 
      In the last 12 months, your prescribed blood pressure medication hasn’t changed. 
      You aren’t suffering symptoms of Hypertension. 
      You aren’t having investigations related to blood pressure.
      MigraineNo additional criteria.
      Peptic Ulcer 
      Gastric Ulcer
      In the last 12 months, the Peptic/Gastric Ulcer has been stable.
      Plantar FasciitisNo additional criteria.
      Raynaud's DiseaseNo additional criteria.
      Skin CancerYour Skin Cancer isn’t a Melanoma. 
      You haven’t had chemotherapy or radiotherapy for this condition. 
      Your Skin Cancer does not require any follow-up treatment e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy or further excision.
      Stenosing Tenosynovitis (Trigger Finger)No additional criteria.
      Urinary IncontinenceNo additional criteria.
      Underactive Thyroid 
      Overactive Thyroid
      The cause of your Underactive/Overactive Thyroid wasn’t a tumour.

      *Additional criteria applies to this condition for automatic coverage to apply. Please see the PDS for full details.

      Please tell us about all your existing medical conditions.

      Once we know what your pre-existing medical conditions are, we may be able to cover them for an extra premium.

      You can then choose whether to pay the required extra premium and add the cover to your policy – or you can choose not to get cover for your existing medical conditions.

      You can complete our medical assessment by generating a quote online.

      Please read and answer each question.

      When adding each existing medical condition, you will need to provide complete and accurate information so we can correctly assess the risk. If you don’t include information about all your EMCs, it may jeopardise the outcome of your claim if you need to make one.

      If we can approve your health assessment, we will show you the premium to add cover to your policy for the EMCs. You must pay the quoted extra premium to add cover for your EMCs. An approval number for this cover will then be listed on your Certificate of Insurance as proof of cover.

      If you have any difficulties with the process or want a quote for cover, please contact our team for assistance on 1300 72 88 22.

      Our plans do not provide policyholders with cover for claims which in any way relate to or are exacerbated by:

      • medical conditions that are undiagnosed or awaiting specialist opinion;
      • conditions involving drug or alcohol dependency;
      • travel booked or undertaken against the advice of any medical practitioner;
      • routine or cosmetic medical or dental treatment or surgery during the journey, even if your existing medical condition has been approved; and
      • conditions for which you are travelling to seek advice, treatment or review or to participate in a clinical trial.

      Finding travel insurance with medical conditions cover can be tough – but we aim to make it as easy as possible.

      If your existing medical condition doesn’t meet our criteria and is not covered, it is possible to still get a Cover-More travel insurance policy for your trip.

      However, this would mean that cover for claims which in any way relate to, or are exacerbated by, any existing medical conditions you may have or related new infections are specifically excluded.

      Our other benefits, such as protection against lost or delayed luggage, rental vehicle insurance excess, personal liability, and more can still be covered.

      Please refer to the PDS for further information on what we can and can’t cover before deciding if our Cover-More travel insurance is right for you.


      Want us to protect your next holiday?

      Find our best travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions.