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A single trip policy can cover Australian residents travelling internationally and within Australia on single trips only.

      If you’ve already left home and are on your trip, this cover is subject to a 3-day ‘no cover’ period.

      Home / Travel Insurance / Popular Benefits / Loss of Income Cover for Travellers

      Loss of Income Travel Insurance Benefit

      Smiling woman working on laptop in modern cafe

      Discover how our travel insurance could protect your income

      Travelling away from home is generally an enjoyable experience, but sometimes things don’t go precisely to plan. The chance of unforeseen risks occurring increase when you’re travelling - you may even find yourself unable to return to your usual place of employment when you return home because you were seriously injured or suffered a disabling sickness during the trip.

      Protecting your trip with travel insurance that includes cover for loss of income could provide much needed support when you need it most.

      For important information on our Cover-More loss of income travel insurance benefit, read the below or call our team on 1300 72 88 22.

      What is a loss of income travel insurance benefit?

      A loss of income travel insurance benefit could help provide financial support if you’re unable to work because of an injury (caused solely and directly by violent, accidental, visible, and external means) or a disabling sickness that occurred while you were travelling.

      This benefit is included on many travel insurance plans, so it’s important to consider your needs when selecting the right travel insurance policy for you.

      Why should I protect my trip with a loss of income travel insurance benefit?

      If you’re unable to return to work in Australia because you suffered a sickness or an injury caused by an accident while you were travelling and your income is negatively affected, the loss of income travel insurance benefit could help provide financial support.

      At Cover-More, we know the unexpected can happen when you least expect it, and we’re here to help if it does. Our income travel insurance benefit helps protect you when you return from a holiday should you find you’re unable to return to work in Australia because of a covered reason after the first 15 days you originally planned to resume work.

      Discover how our other travel insurance benefits can protect you here.

      What Cover-More plans include a loss of income benefit?

      Our loss of income travel insurance benefit is included in our most comprehensive plans because we understand how an injury resulting in loss of income can quickly turn your trip from enjoyable to stressful.

      As a Cover-More policyholder, if you suffer from an injury caused solely and directly by an accident or a disabling sickness that results in loss of income because you’re unable to return to work in Australia, we may be able to help.

      If your claim is approved, we will pay you up to 75% of your usual monthly net of income tax wage. However, this amount will only be paid for the period after the first 15 days you originally planned to resume your work in Australia and our loss of income insurance is limited to six months or until the benefit limit is reached; whichever comes first.

      The maximum benefit limit on our plans for our loss of income insurance cover is:

      PlanBenefit Limit
      International Comprehensive+$45,000*
      International Comprehensive$30,000*
      International Basic$Nil
      Domestic Comprehensive+$45,000*
      Domestic Comprehensive$30,000
      Domestic Basic$Nil

      *A maximum liability collectively applies for the Loss of Income; Disability; and Accidental Death benefits of $45,000 for the Comprehensive+ plans, and $30,000 for the Comprehensive and Inbound plans.

      Limits, exclusions, and conditions apply. Please check the PDS for full policy conditions when deciding if our travel insurance plans are right for you.


      Want to protect your income when you’re away from home?

      Discover our plans so you can travel without the stress.