error_outline IMPORTANT error_outline
A single trip policy can cover Australian residents travelling internationally and within Australia on single trips only.

      If you’ve already left home and are on your trip, this cover is subject to a 3-day ‘no cover’ period.

      Home / Travel Insurance / COVID-19 Benefits / COVID-19 Benefits FAQs

      FAQs: Coronavirus Travel Insurance Benefits

      The below information relates to COVID-19 cover included in policies sold on or after 26 July 2023. For policies purchased prior to this date, please consult the relevant PDS and/or your Policy Wording.


      Our Customer Service Team cannot provide customers with personal advice over the phone or confirm if a claim will be approved.

      All claims need to be submitted online via our claims portal for consideration by our Claims Team.

      For general questions related to our coronavirus travel insurance cover (and our Cover-More cancellation policy benefit during the pandemic), please read the PDS and/or your Policy Wording, review our COVID-19 Benefits information and FAQs below, or call us on 1300 72 88 22.


      Backpacker in City wearing face mask

      Learn more about our coronavirus travel insurance cover

      Looking for travel insurance that covers coronavirus? All our Cover-More travel insurance plans provide some COVID-19 cover for travelling during the pandemic. To learn about our coronavirus travel insurance benefits, please visit our COVID-19 cover page. You can also get a quote online now.


      For answers to frequently asked questions about our Cover-More COVID-19 and cancellation coverage, please read the below or contact us via Live Chat or on 1300 72 88 22 during Australian business hours.

      If you want information on our policy refund options, you can view our policy refunds FAQs here.

      Please note:

      The below information refers to the COVID-19 benefits included in our policies from 26 July 2023 onwards.

      If you purchased your Cover-More policy before this date and want to understand the COVID-19 cover included in your travel insurance policy, please check the relevant PDS/Supplementary PDS for information.


      Skip ahead to read:



      What do Cover-More’s COVID-19 benefits cover?

      At Cover-More, our COVID-19 travel insurance benefits help protect you from unforeseen expenses related to the coronavirus pandemic. These benefits include:


      overseas medical expenses icon

      Cover for COVID-19 
      Overseas Medical Costs*#~

      COVID-19 Cancellation

      Cover for COVID-19 
      Amendment or Cancellation Costs*^

      Wallet icon

      Cover for COVID-19-Related 
      Additional Expenses*#^




      What don’t Cover-More’s COVID-19 benefits cover?

      Unfortunately, our COVID-19 travel insurance cover can’t cover absolutely every scenario resulting from the global coronavirus pandemic. To help provide clarity from the get-go, our travel insurance COVID-19 benefits don’t cover the following: 

      COVID-19 lockdown icon

      Government Border Closures, Lockdowns, Self-isolation, or Quarantine


      COVID-19 Test Icon

      Mandated COVID-19 Tests (PCRs and Rapid Antigen Tests)


      COVID-19 Close Contact Icon

      Close Contacts of a Person Diagnosed with COVID-19


      COVID-19 Cruise Cover Icon

      Cruise Cabin Confinement Costs Related to COVID-19




      Pre-trip FAQs

      If you’re diagnosed with COVID-19 at home and cannot travel, your cover for non-refundable cancellation costs depends on when you bought your policy and which plan you purchased.

      Cover details:

      If you purchased a Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive+ Plan policy, you can claim your non-refundable prepaid trip costs up to a benefit limit of $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on an international policy or $2,500 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on a domestic policy

      If you purchased a Basic Plan for a domestic or international trip, there is no cover for COVID-19-related pre-trip cancellation or amendment costs.

      Cover conditions:

      • This cover is subject to evidence of your positive COVID-19 diagnosis. A qualified medical practitioner must confirm your diagnosis in writing and certify that you are not fit to travel.
      • There is no cover if symptoms or diagnosis occurred before buying your policy.
      • Pre-booked cruises included (if your policy includes Cruise Cover).

      Our cover for this scenario depends on your occupation.

      Cover details:

      If you're an essential healthcare worker (such as a pharmacist, nurse, doctor, paramedic, or other healthcare professional) and your leave is revoked because of COVID-19, yes, you can claim the non-refundable costs on your policy up to the applicable benefit limit of $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on an international policy or $2,500 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on a domestic policy.

      If you’re not an essential healthcare worker and your leave is revoked because of COVID-19, there is no cover under our coronavirus cancellation policy benefit.

      Cover conditions:

      If you are an essential healthcare worker, in this scenario:

      • Pre-booked cruises included (if your policy includes Cruise Cover).

      If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 at the airport/port and certified by a qualified medical practitioner as being unfit to travel, your cover depends on when you purchased your policy and which plan you purchased.

      Cover details:

      If you purchased a Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive+ Plan policy, you can claim your non-refundable prepaid trip costs up to a benefit limit of $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on an international policy or $2,500 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on a domestic policy.

      If you purchased a Basic Plan for a domestic or international trip, there is no cover for pre-trip cancellation or amendment costs in this scenario.

      Cover conditions:

      • This cover is subject to evidence of your positive COVID-19 diagnosis and being certified by a qualified medical practitioner as not fit to travel.
      • There is no cover if symptoms or diagnosis occurred before buying your policy.
      • Pre-booked cruises included (if your policy includes Cruise Cover)



      Pre-trip or on-trip FAQs

      Yes, but only if the non-travelling relative or business partner resides in Australia or New Zealand.

      Cover details:

      You can claim your cancellation or amendment costs for your prepaid trip up to a benefit limit of $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on an international policy or $2,500 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on a domestic policy.

      This cover applies to all three plans: Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+.

      Cover conditions:

      • The non-travelling relative or business partner must reside in Australia or New Zealand.
      • A medical practitioner must confirm the infection is life threatening.
      • Your policy must have been purchased before your relative was diagnosed with COVID-19.

      Yes, this cover applies if your deceased non-travelling relative or business partner resided in Australia or New Zealand at the time of death.

      Cover details:

      If the death occurs while you’re on your trip and your policy was purchased before your relative or business partner was diagnosed with COVID-19, you can claim cancellation or amendment costs for your trip.

      This on-trip cover applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+), with a limit of $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on an international policy and $2,500 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) on a domestic policy.

      Cover conditions:

      • The relative must have resided in Australia or New Zealand at the time of their death.

      No, there is no cover.

      Cover details:

      There is no cover under our coronavirus cancellation and amendment policy benefit to cancel or amend your trip even if the destination was deemed safe by the Australian Government at the time you booked your trip and purchased your Cover-More travel insurance policy, or because of COVID-19-related travel warnings (such as a new outbreak of COVID-19 or the declaration of a “pandemic hotspot”).

      There is also no cover for travel restrictions or border closures imposed by any government because of the coronavirus pandemic.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      To understand the current overall advice and warning levels for any destination, visit Smartraveller’s destinations page and consult the mass media.

      Cover conditions:

      The General Exclusions in the PDS state we will not pay for:

      • claims directly or indirectly arising from or caused by COVID-19 (unless cover is extended as stated in the COVID-19 Benefits Section).

      No cover is provided for close contacts prior to departure or while you’re on your trip.

      Cover details:

      If you are deemed a close contact of someone diagnosed with COVID-19 and required to self-isolate or enter quarantine before you depart and wish to cancel your trip, no cover is provided.

      If you are deemed a close contact of someone diagnosed with COVID-19 and required to self-isolate or enter quarantine while on your trip, no cover is provided.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Cover conditions:

      The General Exclusions in the PDS state we will not pay for:

      • any costs or expenses incurred if a government or public health authority mandatory quarantine or isolation order is imposed on you related to cross area, border, region, or territory travel. This exclusion only applies to COVID-19 and applies regardless of you being diagnosed with COVID-19 or being directed by a local public health authority into a period of quarantine because they have classified you as having close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19.



      On-trip FAQs

      Yes, there is cover for additional accommodation and transport costs.

      Cover details:

      Non-cruise travel: There is cover available if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and certified by a qualified medical practitioner as being not fit to travel as planned.

      Cruise travel: There is no cover for this event on board if your COVID-19 diagnosis by a medical practitioner requires you to enter a period of cabin confinement while on board the cruise ship, even if your policy includes Cruise Cover.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Cover conditions:

      • No costs or expenses are covered if a quarantine or isolation order is placed on you by a government or public health authority.
      • Other additional expenses you may incur (such as food, drinks, groceries, laundry etc.) are not included.

      Yes, cover is available if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19 by a qualified medical practitioner and require medical treatment overseas.

      Cover details:

      Non-cruise travel: Yes, cover is available under our overseas emergency medical expenses benefit.

      Cruise travel: Yes, cover is available for onboard medical cover, ship-to-shore expenses and overseas emergency medical expenses if Cruise Cover is included in your policy.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on an international policy.

      Cover conditions:

      • Cover applies for this event if the country or part of the country you travelled to was not subject to “Do not travel” advice on the website or published in the mass media.
      • This cover is subject to evidence of your positive COVID-19 diagnosis and certification of being unfit to travel by a qualified medical practitioner.
      • Cover will not exceed 12 months from the onset of the illness.

      No cover is provided if you are denied entry to a country because of government restrictions placed on travellers departing or passing through certain countries.

      Cover details:

      No cover is provided for government restrictions or border closures. This includes situations related to any transiting countries visited or your country of origin.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on an international policy.

      Cover conditions:

      The General Exclusions in the PDS state we will not pay for:

      • claims arising from or caused by COVID-19 (unless cover is extended as stated in the COVID-19 Benefits Section).

      No cover is provided if you must complete mandatory quarantine or self-isolation because of the area you arrived from or passed through on route.

      Cover details:

      No cover is provided for mandatory quarantine or self-isolation requirements related to travel across or within areas, borders, regions, or territories.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on an international policy.

      Cover conditions:

      The General Exclusions in the PDS state we will not pay for:

      • any costs or expenses incurred if a government or public health authority mandatory quarantine or isolation order is imposed on you related to cross area, border, region, or territory travel. This exclusion only applies to COVID-19 and applies regardless of you being diagnosed with COVID-19 or being directed by a local public health authority into a period of quarantine because they have classified you as having close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19.

      If you fall ill with COVID-19 and are hospitalised overseas and need to be repatriated, you may be able to claim for these costs.

      Cover details:

      Non-cruise travel: Yes, cover is available.

      Cruise travel: Yes, cover is available for overseas emergency medical expenses and ship-to-shore expenses if Cruise Cover is included in your policy.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on an international policy.

      Cover conditions:

      • Cover applies for this event if the country or part of the country you travelled to was not subject to “Do not travel” advice on the website or published in the mass media.
      • This cover is subject to evidence of your positive COVID-19 diagnosis by a medical practitioner. A medical practitioner must confirm your diagnosis in writing and certify that you are not fit to continue travelling.
      • In all cases, the cost of evacuation or bringing you back to Australia will only be met if we approve your claim and it was arranged by and deemed necessary by our emergency assistance network.
      • Cover will not exceed 12 months from the onset of the illness.
      • There is no cover for any medical costs in Australia.



      Destination-based FAQs

      Australia: No, there is no medical coverage in Australia.

      International destinations: Yes, cover is provided if your destination is not subject to “Do not travel” advice on the Smartraveller website or published in the mass media.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: Yes, cover is available for overseas emergency medical expenses and ship-to-shore expenses if Cruise Cover is included in your policy.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Cover will not exceed 12 months from the onset of the illness.

      Australia: Yes, there is cover for additional accommodation and transport costs if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and certified by a qualified medical practitioner as not being fit to travel.

      International destinations: Yes, there is cover for additional accommodation and transport costs if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and certified by a qualified medical practitioner as being not fit to travel as planned.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: There is no cover for this event onboard if your COVID-19 diagnosis by a medical practitioner requires you to enter a period of cabin confinement while on board the cruise ship, even if your policy includes Cruise Cover.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Australia: No, cover is not provided.

      International destinations: No, cover is not provided.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: No, cover is not provided, even if your policy includes Cruise Cover.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Australia: Yes, cover is provided.

      International destinations: Yes, cover is provided if your destination is not subject to “Do not travel” advice on the Smartraveller website or published in the mass media.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: Yes, cover is available if Cruise Cover is included in your policy. Cover is provided if your destination is not subject to “Do not travel” advice on the Smartraveller website or published in the mass media.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Australia: Yes, up to $2,500 cover is provided per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less). However, a qualified medical practitioner must confirm your diagnosis in writing and certify that you are not fit to travel.

      This only applies if you have purchased the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive+ Plan. No cover is provided if you have purchased the Basic Plan.

      International destinations: Yes, up to $5,000 cover is provided per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less) but only if you have purchased the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive+ Plan. However, a qualified medical practitioner must confirm your diagnosis in writing and certify that you are not fit to travel. No cover is provided if you have purchased the Basic Plan.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise and you have Cruise Cover: Yes, up to $5,000 cover is provided per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less), but only if you have purchased the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive+ Plan. However, a qualified medical practitioner must confirm your diagnosis in writing and certify that you are not fit to travel. No cover is provided if you have purchased the Basic Plan.

      Australia: No, cover is not provided.

      Other destinations: No, cover is not provided.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: No, cover is not provided.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Australia: Yes, cover is provided up to $2,500 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less).

      Other destinations: Yes, cover is provided up to $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less).

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: Yes, cover is provided p to $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less).

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Australia: Yes, up to $2,500 cover is provided per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less), but only if you have purchased the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive+ Plan. If you have purchased the Basic Plan, no cover is provided.

      International destinations: Yes, up to $5,000 cover is provided per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less), but only if you have purchased the Comprehensive Plan orComprehensive+ Plan. If you have purchased the Basic Plan, no cover is provided.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: Yes, up to $5,000 cover is provided per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less), but only if you have purchased the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive+ Plan. If you have purchased the Basic Plan, no cover is provided.

      Australia: No, cover is not provided.

      International destinations: No, cover is not provided.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Australia: Yes, cover is provided up to $2,500 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less).

      International destinations: Yes, cover is provided up to $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less).

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: Yes, cover is provided up to $5,000 per policy (or the amount chosen if this is less).

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Australia: No, cover is not provided.

      International destinations: No, cover is not provided.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: No, cover is not provided.

      Australia: No, cover is not provided.

      International destinations: No, cover is not provided.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: No, cover is not provided.

      Australia: No, cover is not provided.

      International destinations: No, cover is not provided.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: No, cover is not provided.

      Australia: Yes, cover is provided if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 by a medical practitioner during your period of insurance, but only if your home country and destination/s you’ve visited before arriving in Australia are not subject to “Do not travel” advice on the Smartraveller website or published in the mass media. Cover will not exceed 12 months from the onset of the illness.

      International destinations: Yes, as per advice above for Australia to cover overseas medical expenses (but not in your home country).This applies to all tiers on our Inbound Plan.

      If your trip includes a multi-night cruise: Yes, cover is available if Cruise Cover is included in your policy. Cover is provided if your destination is not subject to “Do not travel” advice on the Smartraveller website or published in the mass media.



      General COVID-19 FAQs

      We first introduced our COVID-19 travel insurance benefits in December 2020; however, our benefits have continued to evolve throughout the pandemic. The information on this page relates to policies purchased on or after 26 July 2023, so if your Annual Multi-Trip policy was purchased on or before 25 July 2023 and is still active, please check your Policy Wording and the relevant PDS based on your purchase date to understand what COVID-19 benefits apply.

      If government quarantine restrictions impact your trip are any point in time, no cover is provided.

      Cover details:

      No cover is provided if you wish to cancel your trip because of new quarantine or self-isolation rules at your destination or upon your return home.

      No cover is provided if you need to enter a paid quarantine facility or self-isolation upon entering your destination or returning home.

      This applies to all three plans (Basic, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive+) on a domestic or international policy.

      Cover conditions:

      The General Exclusions in the PDS state we will not pay for:

      • any costs or expenses incurred if a government or public health authority mandatory quarantine or isolation order is imposed on you related to cross area, border, region, or territory travel. This exclusion only applies to COVID-19 and applies regardless of you being diagnosed with COVID-19 or being directed by a local public health authority into a period of quarantine because they have classified you as having close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19.

      If your travel provider or airline goes into administration because of the current coronavirus pandemic, you may be able to claim for refunds under your travel insurance policy.

      Cover details:

      Cover-More policies issued on or after 29 September 2021 contain some cover for travel service provider insolvency. This cover is included in our top two plans only (Comprehensive and Comprehensive+) on domestic and international policies.

      Policies issued before this date provide no cover for this scenario. Check the relevant PDS to understand how this cover applies to your policy.



      Still got questions about our travel insurance with coronavirus cover?

      Don’t forget to review our COVID-19 Benefits information or call us on 1300 72 88 22 to speak to our team about any general coronavirus cover queries.


      Want us to protect your trip?

      Find out how our travel insurance can help you travel with confidence during COVID-19.


      *Limits, sub-limits, conditions, and exclusions apply. For full details on exactly what’s covered by our COVID-19 travel insurance benefits, please read our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) document.  
      ~Medical cover will not exceed 12 months from onset.  
      #Cover for medical costs related to COVID-19 is not available on our Domestic Plans.  
      ^A special excess will apply to COVID-19 claims under the Amendment or Cancellation and Additional Expenses sections of the policy. If you make a claim that falls under both sections, the higher special excess will be deducted. The special excess applies in addition to any other applicable excess. You cannot remove this special excess. 

      The information contained as part of these FAQs is indicative and for illustrative purposes only to help provide information regarding likely coverage under the relevant terms and conditions of a policy. The information relates to policies sold on or after 26 July 2023, is correct at the time of writing on 20 June 2023, and may change at any time, so be sure to check here regularly for updates. For definitive confirmation for your situation, you will need to submit a claim for consideration via our online claims portal