Important Information Regarding: Pakistan Airspace Closure
Issued: 28 February 2019
Background on tensions between Pakistan and India
It has been reported in the media that on 27 February 2019 multiple warplanes were shot down in the region of Kashmir with both Pakistan and India launching airstrikes after simmering tensions between the two nations escalated in recent days.
Commercial airlines have been forced to divert flights away from the region, with Pakistan closing its airspace resulting in numerous flights being suspended, impacting travel in and out of the subcontinent as well as flights to and from Europe.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has urged Australians not to visit areas near the India-Pakistan border, advising against all travel to the region due to the very high risk.
We urge you to please pay close attention to the local media and emergency services, including the DFAT smart traveller website.
Please be advised your travel insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) includes certain terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions. In particular, there are policy exclusions that apply to claims arising due to an act of a foreign enemy, military power or hostilities. Further, certain sections of the policy specifically exclude claims arising directly or indirectly from an act of terrorism or the perceived threat of an act of terrorism.
If you have been directly affected and need medical assistance, please call our 24-hour emergency assistance team immediately on +61 2 8907 5619.
If you have any further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 468 340 between 8.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday (AEDT).
Policy coverage:
For policies/trips with a Relevant Time prior to 28 February 2019
If you have been affected by this event there may be provision for you to claim for benefits provided by your travel insurance policy. Claims will be assessed in accordance with your Product Disclosure Statement and may vary depending on the type of policy you purchased.
- Additional Expenses.
If you are already on your trip:- Additional accommodation and transportation expenses; if your travel is delayed for the required timeframes; up to the nominated limits as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement.
- Amendment or Cancellation Costs.
If you have this cover on your policy:- The non-refundable portion of unused travel arrangements
- Amendments made prior to departing on the Journey if the cost to rearrange does not exceed the amount it would have been to cancel the trip outright.
- Overseas Medical Expenses.
- If you have incurred medical expenses as a result of this event, there is cover up to the specified limits.
- Cancel For Any Reason.
- This add-on is not affected in any way by this advice.
To submit your claim, please remember:
- To keep all itemised receipts for additional purchases or costs incurred
- Obtain a letter from the travel provider confirming the length and reason for delay.
- The easiest way to lodge a claim is online via:
For all policies/trips with a Relevant Time on or after 28 February 2019
There is no cover for policies issued after this date as it would no longer deemed an unforeseeable event.
Costs that are not covered by your policy:
- Depending on the policy benefit claimed and our assessment, there is no cover available for policies purchased on or after 28 February 2019 as the event is no longer considered unforeseeable.
- Costs that are incurred where your travel is not directly affected
- Where alternate travel is at a higher fare class than originally booked
- Travel arrangements that have already been used
- Costs excluded or above the limits outlined in your PDS
Important general advice
This information must be read in conjunction with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) as certain terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. These terms, condition, limits and exclusions are detailed in the PDS and in particular we draw your attention to ‘The Benefits’ and ‘General Exclusions’ section of the PDS.
Contact us
If you are travelling and require travel or medical assistance, please contact our 24-hour emergency assistance team on +61 2 8907 5619.
For any general enquiries regarding the event please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 72 88 22 between 8am and 7pm Monday to Friday (AEDT).