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Two ladies with the LGBTQ+ flag

LGBTQ+ Travel Safety Guide for International Holidays

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Do you identify as LGBTQ+ or are you travelling abroad with someone who does? Read our expert LGBTQ+ travel safety guide to help you travel with confidence.

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What to Pack for Your Argentina Holiday

Once you’ve decided to go to Argentina, you’ll have to sit down and figure out where you’ll get to visit in the country and places you’ll have to pass up. With Argentina covering an impressive 2.78 million km2, it’s understandable that the geography, climate and general environment will vary greatly. If you are travelling to more than one place in Argentina, chances are you’ll need to pack for at least two or three different seasons. The diverse weather can make it hard to squeeze all your travelling essentials into one bag but with careful planning, packing for your Argentine holiday will be a breeze.

Overview of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, often referred to as “the Paris of the South,” is a city that beholds the charm of European flair but the sultriness of Latin America. With soaring architecture, rich heritage, and flaming passion, you are sure to fall in love with the vivacious, bustling capital city.

Top Scams in Argentina

Like every major city in the world, in Buenos Aires there will be opportunities for pickpocketing and theft, and there will be people who are more than willing to take advantage of those opportunities. Each city seems to have their own special way of conning people out of money and some are more forceful and others are more passive aggressive.

10 Argentine Phrases to Know Before You Go

When traveling to another country, it’s a pretty common situation to find yourself in a place where no one speaks English. Thankfully in most tourist locations there will be people around who have picked up some English or even speak it fluently. By brushing up on a few key phrases, and working through how they sound with phonetic spelling, you’ll be light-years ahead of the tourists who assume everyone will understand them. These ten phrases will also help you out if the person you are speaking with has very broken English, the translation isn’t coming through very well or if you need to let them know you’ve lost the thread of the conversation.

Photographer’s Dream Locations in New Zealand

Few places hold the magic and mystique like the rolling hills and azure blue lakes of New Zealand. In a country larger than the United Kingdom but with only about a sixteenth of the population, there is an abundance of natural life to experience. The beauty of a fiery glowing sun sinking into the horizon or the powdery snow-capped mountains ascending into the sky will not only spark an other-worldly emotional response within your soul, it will also present an opportunity to capture the majestic beauty through photography to share with others.

Top 3 Scams in New Zealand

Vacation is a time to rest and relax, but at Cover-More we know from experience how dangerous new countries can be. From pickpockets to pyramid schemes, we want you to stay safe and aware. Learn about the common scams for visitors and locals in New Zealand and you’ll be better off protecting yourself and your holiday from an unfortunate run-in with one of these scam artists. If you are planning a trip to New Zealand, here are the three scams you should be vigilant about:

What to Pack for a Holiday in Sri Lanka

When you are packing for Sri Lanka you may get halfway through and then think “but what do I actually need to bring?” The last thing you want to do is over-pack for a trip where you’ll be travelling on foot a lot of the time so, to help lighten the load, Cover-More has come up with a suggested packing list for Sri Lanka to help you avoid over-packing and help you bring exactly what you do need.

Overview of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Colombo is Sri Lanka’s largest city as well as its capital. While beaches tend to be the real draw for a holiday in Sri Lanka, if you take a break from sunning and relaxing on the beach and head into the capital, you’ll be able to see a lot more of the Sri Lankan culture. There’s a mix of modern buildings and ancient temples, high-fashion shopping malls and pretty parks, and much more. Come explore Colombo no matter how short your time in Sri Lanka is. Once you get past the sprawling city layout and crowded city centres, you’ll find that the city grows on you, and the longer you stay, the more you’ll love Colombo.

Top 5 Scams in Sri Lanka

The people of Sri Lanka are lovely, but “value destinations” often come with hidden dangers. If you are planning a trip beware of these five scams for tourists.

Explore Sri Lanka via Bicycle

Travelling within Sri Lankan borders is a fairly easy task, though commercial flights are limited to daily flights between Colombo and Jaffna. Buses and trains are therefore the most popular mode of transportation between cities, with pros and cons to each. There is one option that is often overlooked, but it’s the perfect way to enjoy seeing important sites and cities in Sri Lanka. Take a tour of the country via bike and you’ll be able to cycle around historic sites and make your own schedule. Use our sample itinerary to help you plan distances and places you’ll be able to see in just 9 days on the road.